

International Valuation Standards Council Visiting to CIREA

On January 10, 2019, Ms. Wang Xia,Vice Secretary Generalof CIREA, receivedand had a cordial and friendly talk with Mr. Nick Talbot, CEO of International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC).

Mr.Nick Talbot briefly introduced IVSC,which is a not-for-profit organisation that acts as the global standard setter for the valuation profession, serving the public interest. Cooperating with more than 100 valuation service providers, financial services businesses, regulators, international bodies and academic institutions from all over the world, IVSC continuouslyformulates transparent valuation standards, and promotes the development of global valuation profession.

Ms. Wang Xia,introduced basic information of CIREA and real estate appraisalindustry in China. She said that it’s necessary to connect China’s real estate valuation standards with international valuation standards, CIREA could take this meeting as an opportunity to develop an effective cooperation with IVSC, and help Chinese appraisers serve international customers and conduct overseas business.

Both parties expressed the willingness of further cooperation to promote theinternationalization of China’s real estate appraisal standards. Mr. Liu Zhenjiang, former President of HKIS, Mr. ChenJiahui, General Manager of Valuation and Advisory Services,Regional Director of Greater China of Cushman&Wakefield, Mr. Hu Feng, Senior Director of North China of Cushman&Wakefield, and Ms. Li Juan, Director of Overseas Communication Department of CIREA also attended the meeting.

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